Thomas Kleinhenz
Senior Developer at gyselroth™ in Zurich, Switzerland.
Hobbyist bass player for Sugar Bone, and on call (greater Basle area).
Senior Developer at gyselroth™ in Zurich, Switzerland.
Hobbyist bass player for Sugar Bone, and on call (greater Basle area).
I have been working for a long time in web application development, currently in a senior position.
PHP (25+ years), MySQL (27+ years), MongoDB (13+ years).
HTML (29+ years), CSS (since its inception), JavaScript (29+ years), jQuery et al.
Typo3 CMS (incl. extension development) et al.
All kinds of bass (electric) and guitar (electric) heavy music, e. g. "Says Who" by Vail Johnson.
All rock and pop music, open to any kind of music electric bass fits into. Reasonable sight-reading ability, but occasionally limited technical skills.
Traditional basses with small necks from different brands, amp heads from Glockenklang, et al., FMC cabinets.
Thomas Kleinhenz
Buckweg 18
79540 Lörrach
+49-7621-425 66 43